Главная » 2019 » Октябрь » 13 » A Child Went Forth. 1941.
A Child Went Forth. 1941.
A Child Went Forth. 1941.
 A line from Whitman, "There was a child went forth every day," starts this film: a visit to a farm that's a summer camp and progressive school for exploration and discovery. The children, as young as two or three, have room and time to question, wonder, and learn. We build a wading pool, use tools, climb and swing, bath a dog - and learn to live together. There are spats, and little adult interference. A tree house sparks children's imagination. They visit a neighboring farm, play with the animals and ride on a tractor that's plowing. They eat and nap. There's story time, easels for art, and a lollipop. It's the perfect place for city children to be safe from bombardment, says the narrator.
Director: Joseph Losey.
USA, 1941.
Language: English.
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A Child Went Forth. 1941.
A Child Went Forth. 1941.
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