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Anthology of short films. Part 108.


Anthology of short films. Part 108.
 Today we present to your attention the first issue of this year's collection of short films number one hundred and eight. This time we have collected eleven mini-films, mostly fresh French ones, but there are also unusual ancient ones from other countries.
Enjoy watching!
1. Sur la tombe de mon père. 2021. HD.
Maïne roule vers un village marocain accompagnée de sa famille et du cercueil de son père. Demain, les hommes l’enterreront et les femmes attendront à la maison. Mais la jeune fille ne l’entend pas de cette manière et compte bien accompagner son père jusqu’à la dernière minute.
Director: Jawahine Zentar.
France, 2021.
1280x720 HD
2. Cloche Petite aux merveilles du pays. 2022. HD.
Cloche is an homeless and clumsy young woman.
She exhausts her companions with her blunders. They end up excluding her from their camp.
Unable to fend for herself, starving, freezing, and afraid, Cloche goes downtown.
A little odyssey begins that will change her life.
Director: Anthony Brinig.
France, 2022.
1280x720 HD
3. Matapang. 2022.
Mary Ann, a twelve-year-old child born from sex tourism, survives in the slum of Angeles City, Manila. Determined to make it out, she is ready to do anything to find her father.
Director: Léa-Jade Horlier.
France, 2022.
1280x720 HD
4. Des Tresses. 2022. FULL-HD.
Lili starts fourth grade at a new school and befriends Dado. As the class photo approaches, Lili has her hair braided and Dado has her hair straightened. It's an opportunity to look for something in each other that they don't have, even if it means putting their friendship at risk.
Director: Leïla Macaire.
France, 2022.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
5. Petit poussin. 2020. HD.
Suffering from mutism, 12 year-old Maëline finds it hard to be accepted by others. Sent home from the childcare centre, she has no choice but to stay on her own with Patrick, her butcher step-father.
Director: Nadia Anebri.
France, 2020.
1280x720 HD
6. Amère. 2022. HD.
Mom has two daughters. Léna is in her twenties, but their relationship is strained since something tragic happened a few years ago. And Chloe, eight years old, the biological daughter of a junkie neighbor she looks after as if she were her own child. Mom has always tried to avoid any encounter between her daughters. But, when the two meet for her birthday, masks come off.
Director: Flora Djien.
France, 2022.
1280x720 HD
7. Ist das denn schon Liebe? 1983.
Dokumentarfilm berichtet über eine Gruppe von Jugendlichen zwischen 14 und 16 Jahren, die während ihres dreiwöchigen Ferienaufenthaltes an der Ostsee nach ihren partnerschaftlichen Beziehungen und ihrem Sexualleben befragt wurden. Mit großer Offenheit berichten die Jungen und Mädchen über ihre frühen Erfahrungen mit dem anderen Geschlecht. Ihr verantwortungsvolles Verhalten, ihre Erlebnisse, Wünsche, Hoffnungen, Gefühle und Vorstellungen werden behutsam mit der Kamera eingefangen und mit den Originaltönen gut zusammen geschnitten. Briefe Jugendlicher an die Zeitung "Junge Welt“ thematisieren die Probleme bei der Partnersuche, mit der Sexualität und in der Partnerschaft.
Director: Helmut Kißling.
DDR, DERA, 1983.
8. Dominique Personne. 2022. HD.
Dominique is a 12-year-old teenager, reserved and far from popular. All weekend, it's the big departmental acrosport tournament, except that this morning Dominique has her period.
Director: Camille Pernin.
France, 2022.
1280x720 HD
9. Ryhti on terveyttä. 1959.
Mannerheim-liiton ryhtineuvolan valistuselokuva, päähenkilöinä kuvitteellisen Virtasen perheen selkävaivaiset isä ja tytär. Tytär käy Mannerheim-liiton ryhtineuvolassa tutkittavana ja saa ohjeet ryhdin parantamista varten.
Finland, 1959.
10. Nordens arkæologi. Jernalderen. 1958. FULL-HD.
Om jernalderen i norden. Filmen viser, hvordan jernmalmen udvindes og bruges til f.eks. pløjeredskaber. Boligen er ét stort rum med mennesker og husdyr under samme tag. Hverdagslivet er skildret med alle dets gøremål. Bevarede kar og genstande med relieffer og udsmykning, der fortæller om livet i jernalderen og den store historie, fremvises.
Filmen er 3. del af serien "Nordens arkæologi".
Director: Carl Otto Petersen.
Denmark, 1958.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
11. Vlekkeloos / Spotless. 2021.
When 15 year old Ruby realizes she is having her period, she doesn't want to ask her mother to buy her period products, because she knows their financial situation doesn't really allow it. She sets out to solve this problem herself.
Director: Emma Branderhorst.
Netherlands, 2021.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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Anthology of short films. Part 108.
Anthology of short films. Part 108.
Anthology of short films. Part 108.
Anthology of short films. Part 108.
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