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Anthology of short films. Part 31.
Anthology of short films. Part 31.
On the screens of the country and the world is a new, thirty-first in a row, issue of a collection of short films. All minifilms are new, or almost, as always, of different countries and peoples with the most diverse problems - from fiction and horror to lyrics and fun, so in this collection exactly 7 short films.
1. I Love Sarah Jane.
Jimbo is thirteen and he has a crush on Sarah Jane, the girl of his dreams. She still doesn't want to hear of him. But Jimbo is persistent. He will make Sarah Jane fall for him, no matter how long it must take. And what does he care if he lives in a post-apocalyptic environment? If all the adults are dead? If the place is infested with zombies? Jimbo loves Sarah Jane. That's that.
Director: Spencer Susser.
Cast: Brad Ashby (Jimbo), Mia Wasikowska (Sarah Jane), Vladimir Matovic (Joey), Richard Mueck (Zombie).
Australia, 2008.
1024x576 HD.
2. Julian.
Set in a year 4 classroom in 1981, "Julian" explores a day in the life of a 9-year-old boy. Julian's need to speak his truth and his strong urge to do what he thinks is right begins to unravel his world. Throughout the day Julian is forced to deal with a bully, an impatient teacher turning a blind eye and a principal with a secret. As Julian faces these challenges we begin to see the qualities that will inform the man he is to become.
Director: Matthew Moore.
Cast: Ed Oxenbould (Julian), Leon Ford (Mr. Braybon), Morgana Davies (Cassandra), Will Cottle (Carl), Christopher Stollery (Mr. Dexter).
Australia, 2012.
3. Sortie de route / Off the road.
Paul, fourteen, neglects his studies to spend all his time on his moped, to the consternation of his parents. When his beloved moped disappears, none of his nearest and dearest seem to realize what this means to him. Paul soon tracks down the thief, Karim, a young apprentice mechanic of his own age. From this an unexpected relationship develops.
Director: Tristan Aymon, David Maye.
Cast: Benjamin Eggenberg, Samir Melly, Eric Chappot, Allan Gapany, Stefanie Gunther.
Switzerland, 2014.
Language: French.
1280x720 HD.
4. Kus.
Boy accompanies his father to the war.
Director: Joost van Ginkel.
Cast: Koen Dobbelaer, Thijs Romer, Margien van Doesen.
Netherlands, 2009.
Language: Dutch.
5. Tits.
Sam is a 13-year-old boy. He goes to a school for boys where the corridors seem to exude centuries-old testosterone. In that world of small uniformed men, Sam grows a pair of tits. His desperate attempts to hide the monstrosity in his body fail when he is forced to take swimming lessons. The belts, the t-shirts and the shirts with which Sam kept his secret will no longer be of any use. Blythe, the class bully, has discovered why the new kid is so reserved. Blythe and Sam test each other, fear each other, each of them is, to the other, a glance of what they'll become and, in that suspicion, they find themselves being accomplices to their own insecurities.
Director: Alex Winckler.
Cast: Josh Beaney-Ford, Arthur Byrne, Juliet Cowan.
UK, 2013.
Language: English.
Subtitles: Russian.
6. All Flowers in Time.
"I am not from this place," declares a French cowboy. An old toothless man asks, "Do you know why you're here?" These shape-shifting personalities infect young children with an evil signal in the form of a Dutch TV show. The red-eyed girls and boys believe they can now become other people and monsters, much to their delight.
Director: Jonathan Caouette.
Cast: Chandler Frantz, Carolyn Bosco, Joshua Caouette.
USA, Canadn, 2010.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD.
7. Valuri.
A beautiful Western woman asks a Gypsy to watch her four-year-old child while she is taught how to swim by a flirtatious married man.
Director: Adrian Sitaru.
Cast: Sergiu Costache, Roberto Bors, Adrian Titieni, Vlad Voda, Clara Voda.
Romania, 2007.
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Anthology of short films. Part 31.
Anthology of short films. Part 31.
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