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Anthology of short films. Part 61.
Anthology of short films. Part 61.
 New, first this year issue of a collection of shorts from around the world is number 61. Today, the anthology presents 6 films from around the world - old and newest, fiction and documentary.
1. A Day With The Boys. 1969.
A group of boys spend their day outdoors exploring, wreaking havoc and letting their imaginations run wild.
Director: Clu Gulager.
Cast: Mike Hertel, Jack Grindle, John McCaffrey, William Elliott, Craig Williams, Mark Spirtos, John Gulager, Artie Conkling, Ricky Bender, James Kearce.
USA, 1969.
Language: None.
1344х720 HD
2. Menino da Calca Branca. 1962.
A favelado boy realizes his dream by winning a white trousers at Christmas. Dressed with her goes out the ways of the hill. Carefully do not dirty it avoid joking with fellows and seek the asphalt to move by keeping it clean. It mimics the adults dressed in white, feeling the same. When watching a street naked, the ball, falling in a puddle spreads mud on his present. He runs back into the arms of his habitat, reintegrated to his people.
Director: Sérgio Ricardo.
Cast: Zezinho Gama, Laura Figueiredo, Sérgio Ricardo, Wanda Daniel.
Brazil, 1962.
Language: Portuguese.
3. Twist & Blood. 2010.
Eleven years old so called Belly-boy is the laughing object among his tears. The parents at all cost want to change him, to slim him down. Belly-boy has yet his own way for relieving the negative emotions but it is a secret. With time he'll give it a way to his friend whom he fancies...
Director: Kuba Czekaj.
Cast: Adam Florczyk, James Fordham, Robert Grabowski, Arkadiusz Janiczek, Monika Kwiatkowska, Maria Maj, Wojciech Urbaniak.
Poland, 2010.
Language: Polish, English, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
4. Janek Bastard. 2017.
Krzysztof, an introverted 10 year old, faces his father's decision to hide a Jewish boy from a nearby village in the family's house. As the new boy prompts the father's attention, Krzysztof develops a flammable jealousy towards the other boy which reaches a dangerous peak and leads him to an irreversible act.
Director: Muriel Naim.
Cast: Jesse Willhite, Avery Walker, Angelique Wiesner, Mackinnley Balleweg, Maritza Brikisak, Bjarne Hecht, Tom McCafferty, Norbi Novak, Vladek Juszkiewicz.
USA, 2017.
Language: Polish, German.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
5. Love and Miss Lily. 2016.
A kindergarten boy must overcome peed pants, a tattling girl, and a playground stand off to win his pretty teacher's favor.
Director: Ruth Baird.
Cast: Rachel Lockhart, Kobe Humphries, Caige Coulter, Van Brunelle, Elisabeth Baird, Helena Claussen.
USA, 2016.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
6. Остров мальчишек / Ostrov malchishek / Poiste saar. 1977.
EE. Pärnu poisteklubi traditsiooniline suvelaager Kõrglaiul, väiksel saarel Riia lahes.
EN. Traditional summer camp in Pärnu Boat Club On a large island on a small island in the Gulf of Riga.
Director: Virve Koppel.
USSR, Eesti Telefilm, 1977.
Language: Russian.
920x720 HD
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Anthology of short films. Part 61.
Anthology of short films. Part 61.
Anthology of short films. Part 61.
Anthology of short films. Part 61.

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