Главная » 2022 » Декабрь » 7 » 池塘 / Chi tang / The Day Is Over. 2021. FULL-HD.
池塘 / Chi tang / The Day Is Over. 2021. FULL-HD.
池塘 / Chi tang / The Day Is Over. 2021. FULL-HD.
CN. 大山裏的野花逕自成長,安靜得幾乎無人在意。個性倔強的少女嘉興遭同學誤當小偷,搞出土味情書的尷尬。嘉興希望到深圳尋找父親,好友也想帶着幾歲大的妹妹到大城巿打工,但對堂堂二千元路費苦無對策,被成人的金錢遊戲弄得焦頭爛額。赤貧限制了小孩的生命力,無依無靠的獨守兒童,最終到池塘一遊,恍如回歸母親的子宮。攝影出身的漆銳,首作以紀實鏡頭的樸淳淨素,拍出了花自飄零水自流的詩意,戳破脫貧時代的荒謬。
EN. Living quietly in the mountains, a young girl humiliated by her classmates is eager to go find her father in the city. Her plan is wrecked when the travel money fetched by her good friend is accidentally lost. Unable to repay the loan, and without hope of seeing their parents, the girls take refuge in the pond, where they feel safe and warm, as if returned to their mother's womb. Shot with naturalistic cinematography, Qi Rui's directorial debut is imbued with a lyrical tone and sympathetic tenderness reminiscent of Kiarostami's cinema.
Director: 漆锐 / Rui Qi.
Cast: Huihui Chen, Jingyao Kong, Li Yingchun, Ying Yu.
China, 2021.
Language: Chinese.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download 池塘 / Chi tang / The Day Is Over. 2021.
池塘 / Chi tang / The Day Is Over. 2021. FULL-HD.
池塘 / Chi tang / The Day Is Over. 2021. FULL-HD.


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