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El nido / The Nest. 1980. Full version. DVD.
El nido / The Nest. 1980. Full version. DVD.
 The Nest (Spanish: El Nido) is a 1980 Spanish drama film written and directed by Jaime de Armiñán, starring Héctor Alterio and Ana Torrent. The plot follows the emotionally intense relationship between an old widower and a precocious thirteen-year-old girl. The film was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 53rd Academy Awards.
In a town near Salamanca, an eccentric widower, aged 60, is captivated by an imp, a precocious 13 year old. Alejandro is wealthy and alone, passing time with music, chess, and his shotgun. Gregoria (Goyita) the daughter of a weak-willed policeman and his bullying wife, is a budding naturalist who conspires to meet Alejandro. Even though he knows the village is talking, Alejandro spends time with Goyita, on walks, horseback rides, and dinners. He's enchanted and tells his friend the village priest that he's living for the first time. Goyita makes new demands on Alejandro, and he must decide how to be true to his ethics and to this Platonic yet highly-charged relationship.
Director: Jaime de Armiñán.
Cast: Héctor Alterio, Ana Torrent, Luis Politti, Agustín González, Patricia Adriani, María Luisa Ponte, Mercedes Alonso, Luisa Rodrigo, Amparo Baró, Ovidi Montllor, Mauricio Calvo, Arantza, Bernabé.
Spain, Argentina, 1980.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
• Tráiler;
• Galería;
• Filmografías;
• Ficha técnica;
• Ficha artística.
Menu: animated, voiced, in Spanish.
This is the full version of the movie, including cut scenes. 104 min.
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El nido / The Nest. 1980. Full version. DVD.
El nido / The Nest. 1980. Full version. DVD.
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