Главная » 2020 » Июнь » 8 » Il grande cocomero / The Great Pumpkin. 1993. HD.
Il grande cocomero / The Great Pumpkin. 1993. HD.
Il grande cocomero / The Great Pumpkin. 1993. HD.
 IT. A Roma Valentina, una dodicenne soprannominata Pippi, figlia di Cinthya e Marcello arricchiti ma senza ideali, in seguito ad un attacco di epilessia viene ricoverata nel reparto di neuropsichiatria infantile. Un giovane psichiatra, Arturo - appena uscito da una crisi coniugale che sta sforzandosi di esorcizzare - sebbene convinto che il caso sia piuttosto di natura neurologica che psichiatrica, accoglie la ragazzina nel suo reparto, preso da spontaneo interesse per lei. Pippi rivela subito un carattere scontroso e provocatorio, e risulta in difficile rapporto con i genitori, per cui Arturo si propone di tentare con lei una terapia analitica, studiandone attentamente le reazioni al fine di riportarla alla normalità.
EN. The innovative Italian neuropsychiatrist Marco Lombardo Radice started at treatment movement which draws its name from the unlikely object of worship found in the Peanuts cartoon series, The Great Pumpkin, and it seems likely that this movie and its story represent some kind of homage to his memory. Arturo's wife walked out on him, and now he devotes all his time to his job. He is a professor of psychiatry at the university hospital in Rome, and specializes in children's problems. When Pippi is brought in for a consultation, it is alleged that she is an epileptic, but the good doctor thinks otherwise. He convinces her reluctant parents to leave her in his care, and through a series of brilliant manipulations, he manages to cure her. The world of mental illness and how it is handled in Italy are not seen through rose-colored glasses, here, and reviewers found tht what could have been a mere tear-jerker manages to be a convincing, gripping drama.
Director: Francesca Archibugi.
Cast: Sergio Castellitto, Anna Galiena, Alessia Fugardi, Silvio Vannucci, Alessandra Panelli, Victor Cavallo, Maria Consagra, Lidia Broccolino, Raffaele Vannoli, Giacomo Ciarrapico.
Italy, France, Netherlands, 1993.
Language: Italian.
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Il grande cocomero / The Great Pumpkin. 1993. HD.
Il grande cocomero / The Great Pumpkin. 1993. HD.
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