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Jambon d'Ardenne / Ham and Chips. 1977. FULL-HD.
Jambon d'Ardenne / Ham and Chips. 1977. FULL-HD.
 World Wars can break out for futile causes. But, in the holiday town of Durbuy (the smallest one in Belgium), there IS a good reason for civil war, namely the business rivalry between Simone, the energetic and successful owner of the Esplanade Hotel and Germaine Radoux, the envious tenant of the French fries stand across the square. Such an unbearable situation naturally pits half of the population against the other. Things do not improve when Simone's son and Germaine's daughter take it into their head to fall in love!
Director: Benoît Lamy.
Cast: Annie Girardot, Christian Barbier, Ann Petersen, Dominique Drouot, Nathalie van de Walle, Andre Vercammen, Bonbon, William van den Daele, Donat Bonmariage, Marie-Luce Debouny, Annicky Van Damme, Marie-Josée Megank, Yvette Gaspard.
France, Belgium, 1977.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Jambon d'Ardenne / Ham and Chips. 1977.
Jambon d'Ardenne / Ham and Chips. 1977. FULL-HD.
Jambon d'Ardenne / Ham and Chips. 1977. FULL-HD.


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