Главная » 2017 » Июнь » 6 » 幼儿园 / Kindergarten. 2004.
幼儿园 / Kindergarten. 2004.
幼儿园 / Kindergarten. 2004.
 Документальный фильм из Китая повествует о 14 месяцах повседневной жизни одного детского сада в Ухане, провинция Хубэй. Камера фиксирует обычные дела воспитанников, их печали и радости, начальные стадии образовательного процесса. В начале фильма в качестве эпиграфа звучат слова:  «Они наши дети, но, может быть, они сами мы».
CN. 在中国在武汉在一所寄宿制幼儿园,我们纪录了一个小班、一个中班和一个大班在14个月里的生活。幼儿园生活是流动的,孩子们成长是缓慢的,每天都发生一些小事却也都是大事,因为儿时的一切对人的影响是久远的。一个单位、一段日子、一堆成长中的生活碎片,总会承载点什么,那便是当我们弯下腰审视孩子的同时,我们也审视了自己和这个世界.
EN. Shot over 14 months, this film records the everyday lives of children at a boarding kindergarten in Wuhan, Hubei Province. It shows how they experience an education overburdened with social and historical background. It catches their moments of laughter and happiness, their struggles against setbacks that they do not always understand, their thoughts about issues that arise both in their own and in the adult world. It is a film that makes everyone laugh, but the naivety of the children is always shown from their own perspective. Deep insights are embedded in the seemingly light-hearted scenes and not only about childhood. For the film is also a metaphor for the adult world. As the opening line of the film says: "They are our children, but maybe they are us ourselves".
Director: 张以庆 / Zhang Yiqing.
China, 2004.
Language: Chinese.
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幼儿园 / Kindergarten. 2004.
幼儿园 / Kindergarten. 2004.
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