Главная » 2022 » Ноябрь » 28 » Mamá, mamá, mamá. 2020. FULL-HD.
Mamá, mamá, mamá. 2020. FULL-HD.
Mamá, mamá, mamá. 2020. FULL-HD.
One summer morning, a young girl drowns in the family swimming pool. Her body stays there until her mother finds it. She leaves her other child, Cleo, alone at home for hours. Some time later Cleo’s aunt arrives, with “the cousins”: Leoncia, Manuela and Nerina. Each of the girls is caught up in their own particular micro-universe; while Nerina flirts with the few men available to her, Manuela looks at herself in the mirror because her mother has put her on a diet. Meanwhile, Cleo, marked by the tragedy of her sister, is unable to express her feelings: her mother has taken to her bedroom, as has her aunt, who is nursing her through the depression. That’s why Cleo, together with her cousins, throws herself into the feminine world of childhood, sometimes equally perverse as death itself: the fear of never having kissed, the fear of living alone all their lives, of menstruation, of a body that no longer belongs to the person who inhabits it, of the irreversible change of growing up.
Director: Sol Berruezo Pichon-Riviére.
Cast: Siumara Castillo, Chloé Cherchyk, Camila Zolezzi.
Argentina, 2020.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Mamá, mamá, mamá. 2020.
Mamá, mamá, mamá. 2020. FULL-HD.
Mamá, mamá, mamá. 2020. FULL-HD.


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