Главная » 2024 » Декабрь » 8 » Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994. HD.
Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994. HD.
Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994. HD.



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DE. Gesellschaftsdrama nach Thomas Mann.
Ende der 20er-Jahre: Für den Literaten Bernhard Fuhrmann (Julian Sands), seine Frau Rachel (Anna Galiena) und deren Kinder verläuft der Sommerurlaub im pittoresken Torre di Venere alles andere als angenehm. Die Show des Hypnotiseurs Cipolla (Klaus Maria Brandauer) endet in einer Tragödie…Brandauer enttäuscht mit seiner Adaption: Er ignorierte wichtige Passagen und änderte den Schluss.
EN. Mario and the Magician (German: Mario und der Zauberer) is a 1994 German-language drama film directed by Klaus Maria Brandauer, based on the novel of the same name. It was entered into the 19th Moscow International Film Festival where Lajos Koltai won the Special Silver St. George for the Director of Photography.
An enigmatic hypnotist casts a spell over a German family holidaying in Italy. Based on an autobiographical novella by Thomas Mann, the film shows the holiday of well-known liberal German writer Bernhard Fuhrmann and his family of three at the Italian seaside resort town, Torre di Venere, in the 1920s. Italian guests want him and his family moved to a different building, because his daughter took off her clothes on the beach and caused a scandal, even though she's only 8 years old. While they struggle with facism and intolerance as well as the decline of liberal European values, they encounter magician Cipolla, who fascinates and changes the lifes of several characters.
Director: Klaus Maria Brandauer.
Cast: Julian Sands, Anna Galiena, Jan Wachtel, Elisabeth Trissenaar, Nina Schweser, Pavel Greco, Valentina Chico, Rolf Hoppe, Philippe Leroy, Ivano Marescotti.
Austria, France, Germany, 1994.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Bonus: documentary behind the scenes.
Download Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994.


Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994. HD.
Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994. HD.




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