Главная » 2019 » Октябрь » 4 » Mify Moego Detstva / Myths of My Childhood. 2005.
Mify Moego Detstva / Myths of My Childhood. 2005.
Mify Moego Detstva / Myths of My Childhood. 2005.
 New Russian independent cinema in the best classical traditions of Soviet tragicomedy. The action  of this poetic film is set in a small village on the shore of the Azov Sea in the early 1960s. Teenagers dream of passionate love, which is known only from the stories "experienced" people. 16-year-old Ignat first know the real feeling. His love for the beautiful adventuress, presenting itself as the capital of the singer, becomes destructive. This is a story of first love and betrayal. The woven fabric of the film funny and incredible local legends and myths associated with the cult of the ancient settlements.
Director: Yuriy Feting.
Cast: Irina Patrakova, Klim Zvezdin, Angelica Nevolina, Denis Kasimov, Tatiana Rasskazova, Alexander Petrov (III), Vera Chmeleva, Lyubov Makeyeva, Vera Makushkina, Vladimir Karakhanyants, Irnat Telnov.
Russia, 2005.
Language: Russiann. Download Mify Moego Detstva / Myths of My Childhood.
Mify Moego Detstva / Myths of My Childhood. 2005.
Mify Moego Detstva / Myths of My Childhood. 2005.
Mify Moego Detstva / Myths of My Childhood. 2005.
Mify Moego Detstva / Myths of My Childhood. 2005.
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