Главная » 2023 » Апрель » 28 » Mod resten af verden / Against the World. 2017. HD.
Mod resten af verden / Against the World. 2017. HD.
Mod resten af verden / Against the World. 2017. HD.

DK. Søskendeparret Tilde (Anna Ibsen) og Ruud (William Olesen) er gennem hele deres barndom blevet rykket rundt mellem plejefamilier og nye skoler. Efterhånden har de lært, at de kun har hinanden at stole på.
Da en af dem bliver udsat for mobning, tager de sammen en grusom hævn. Spørgsmålet er, hvor længe de kan blive ved med at kæmpe? Nomineret til to priser ved Ekko Shortlist Awards 2018.
RN. Siblings Ruud and Tilde are siblings who have experienced the physical trauma of being scarred by fire. It binds them together and isolates them from their peers. Both are teased and bullied mercilessly. But they're not going to take it anymore, and now it's the bullies who will feel the burn... of Tilde's homemade flamethrower!
Director: Simon Lykke.
Cast: Dina Al-Erhayem, Jonah Atkins, Stefan Daxter, Frederich Nikolaj Godsk, Naomi Ting Graf, Samuel Ting Graf, Rasmus Kristian Ritter Nielsen.
Denmark, 2017.
Language: Danish.
1280x720 HD
Download Mod resten af verden / Against the World. 2017.

Mod resten af verden / Against the World. 2017. HD.
Mod resten af verden / Against the World. 2017. HD.



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