Главная » 2022 » Декабрь » 4 » Peccatrice / Me, The Sinner Girl. 2018. FULL-HD.
Peccatrice / Me, The Sinner Girl. 2018. FULL-HD.
Peccatrice / Me, The Sinner Girl. 2018. FULL-HD.
IT. In un paese del Sud Italia, una bambina di nome Lucia è stanca degli scatti d'ira e della violenza di suo padre. Il giorno della sua Prima Comunione prende una decisione drastica...
EN. Lucia is a rebellious eleven-year-old girl who feels stifled by the patriarchal world she lives in. Her father is physically abusive, while her mother remains helpless against his violence. One day before Lucia’s First Communion, her father gives his daughter a severe beating. In the morning, Lucia puts on her white dress. Yet, instead of going to church, she climbs the sea cliff and throws herself into the sea.
Director: Karolina Porcari.
Cast: Beatrice Marrazzo, Anita Kravos, Ippolito Chiariello, Alessandro Buttari, Arianna Dell'Anna, Adria Ciardo.
Poland, Italy, 2018.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Peccatrice / Me, The Sinner Girl. 2018.
Peccatrice / Me, The Sinner Girl. 2018. FULL-HD.
Peccatrice / Me, The Sinner Girl. 2018. FULL-HD.


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