Главная » 2023 » Январь » 26 » Pleure pas Germaine / Don't Cry Germaine. 2000.
Pleure pas Germaine / Don't Cry Germaine. 2000.
Pleure pas Germaine / Don't Cry Germaine. 2000.
Based on Claude Jasmin's European bestseller of the same name, Don't Cry Germaine chronicles the often hilarious journey of the Bedard family to their new home in Spain. Following the apparent suicide of their daughter Rolande, Gilles and Germaine have a hard time keeping the rest of their family together. Germaine persuades the overbearing Gilles to take the family back to her hometown in the Spanish Pyrenees, where a new life will hopefully await them. Packing into the car their laconic teenage son, increasingly rebellious teenage daughter, and young twins, Gilles and Germaine embark on a road trip that, not surprisingly, quickly turns into a test of nerves. The kids have conveniently packed their dead dog in with the luggage, Gilles encounters a man who may be responsible for Rolande's death, and the whole family bickers with a force and intensity that would do justice to their American counterparts, National Lampoon's Griswold clan.
Director: Alain de Halleux.
Cast: Rosa Renom, Dirk Roofthooft, Catherine Grosjean, Benoit Skalka, Iwana Krzeptowski, Simon de Thomaz, Valérie Ancel, Dominique Baeyens, Sjarel Branckaerts, Joan Dalmau.
Belgium, France, Spain, 2000.
Language: French, Catalan.
Download Pleure pas Germaine / Don't Cry Germaine. 2000.
Pleure pas Germaine / Don't Cry Germaine. 2000.
Pleure pas Germaine / Don't Cry Germaine. 2000.





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