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Pusling / Crybaby. 2008. HD.
Pusling / Crybaby. 2008. HD.
DK. Piv går i 3 klasse. Hun er en stille pige, der ofte bliver mobbet af den stride Mia og hendes veninder. En aften har Pivs forældre inviteret en af deres gamle venner på middag. Vennen har taget sin datter med, som til Pivs rædsel viser sig at være Mia. Forældrene ved ikke noget om pigernes belastede forhold til hinanden og bemærker heller ikke noget under middagen. Efter middagen går Piv og Mia en aftentur i den mørke skov, hvor Piv tidligere har set en død kat i skovsøen. Hun udfordrer Mia: Tør hun ligesom Piv gå hele vejen ud af den væltede træstamme for at se katten?
EN. 10-year-old Piv is introvert and having a hard time during school. The strong and suppressing Mia is controlling her class. Mia is bullying Piv. She is offensive and totally boundary breaking. Piv avoids the attacks and often takes the blame.One day, Mia has been particularly offensive towards Piv. The same evening Piv's parents have invited an old friend over for dinner. When they arrivehe has brought his daughter. To Piv's horror Mia is the daughter. The two girls don't reveal their true relation.The final showdown takes place after the dinner. At a forest lake Piv wantsto show Mia something in the water. But you have to walk all they way out to the end of a wooden log.
Director: Christina Rosendahl.
Cast: Ida Kortbek, Nanna Koppel, Anne Louise Hassing, Troels Lyby, Thomas W. Gabrielsson, Jonatan Spang, Tina Gylling Mortensen.
Denmark, 2008.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Pusling / Crybaby. 2008.
Pusling / Crybaby. 2008. HD.
Pusling / Crybaby. 2008. HD.


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