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Un dramma borghese / Mimi. 1979. HD.
Un dramma borghese / Mimi. 1979. HD.
IT. Un torbido sentimento lega padre e figlia, Guido e Mimmina, rimasti separati per molti anni. Un'amica di Mimmina, una donna e non una ragazza, diventa l'amante di Guido che spera di mettere fine alla relazione con la figlia. Mimmina tenta il suicidio, ma non è chiaro se l'esito sarà fatale o se qualcuno la salverà.
EN. Un dramma borghese (internationally released as Mimi) is a 1979 Italian drama film directed by Florestano Vancini. It is based on the novel with the same title by Guido Morselli and it has as main theme an incestuous love between a father and a daughter.
The fifteen year-old Maria "Mimmina" Luiza leaves the boarding school in Genève to stay in the Bechten Hotel nursing her father, the widower writer Guido, who is paralyzed by rheumatism. Along the days, Guido recovers from his illness and Mimmina has a crush on him and tries to seduce her own father. When her roommate and best friend Therese, who is eight years older than Mimmina, comes to the hotel to visit Mimmina, she has a love affair with Guido with tragic consequences.
Lara Wendel was only 13 during filming. In a 1979 interview at Italian magazine 'Oggi', she was asked if she was embarrassed doing her nude scenes, including the one where she masturbates in bed next to Franco Nero, who plays her father. "No, not at all. I often walk around the house naked even when my older brother is there." she said.
Director: Florestano Vancini.
Cast: Franco Nero, Dalila Di Lazzaro, Lara Wendel, Carlo Bagno, Felicita Montrone, Silvio Pascoletti.
Italy, 1979.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: Chinese.
1280x720 HD
Download Un dramma borghese / Mimi. 1979.
Un dramma borghese / Mimi. 1979. HD.
Un dramma borghese / Mimi. 1979. HD.


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